Mastering Narrative Tension: How To Use Freytag's Pyramid for Telling Marketing Stories

The rising action is where the story truly takes flight, moving the narrative forward with a series of obstacles and complications that test the protagonist's resolve. Each challenge raises the stakes, building tension and suspense until it reaches a fever pitch at the climax.

Revered Guru, I seek to master the skills of weaving tales that captivate the mind and stir the soul.
Revered Guru, I seek to master the skills of weaving tales that captivate the mind and stir the soul.

How this works


Storytelling is an art form that has captivated audiences for centuries. Stories transcend cultures and mediums.

At the heart of every compelling narrative lies a carefully crafted structure that builds tension, heightens emotions, and leaves a lasting impact.

Freytag's Pyramid, a five-act dramatic structure developed by the 19th-century German novelist Gustav Freytag, offers a powerful framework for crafting stories that grip audiences from start to finish.

This time-tested model provides a blueprint for creating narratives that ebb and flow, guiding writers through the intricate dance of exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement.

In this article, we use the film - Jaws as an example to explain how the 5 parts of Freytag's Pyramid plays out in the movie.

First, an explanation of Freytag's Pyramid.

The Acts In Freytag's Pyramid

Freytag visualizes his plot structure as a pyramid, with the rising action and falling action making up the two slopes leading up to the climax at the peak.

The exposition forms the base, with the dénouement/catastrophe bringing the narrative back down. 

This five-part structure provides a framework for creating dramatic plots with a logical progression of events building up to a climax and then winding down to the conclusion. It allows for tension to be developed and released effectively.

  1. Exposition: This is the introduction where the characters, setting, and situation are established. The inciting incident that kicks off the main conflict also occurs during the exposition.

  2. Rising Action: The rising action refers to the events that increase tension, raise stakes, and drive the story forward after the inciting incident. Complications and obstacles arise that the main character must confront.

  3. Climax: This is the turning point and peak of the story where the main character faces the highest stake or biggest conflict. It's the most intense moment of the narrative.

  4. Falling Action: After the climax, the falling action shows the consequences and aftermath of the climactic moment. The conflicts begin getting resolved.

  5. Dénouement/Catastrophe: This is the resolution or conclusion where any remaining plots or mysteries get tied up. In a tragedy, this is where the catastrophe occurs.

Let's now expand each element of this pyramid in detail, with examples.

Act 1: Exposition

To be a true master storyteller, one must first understand the three gunas - the cosmic forces that govern all creation
To be a true master storyteller, one must first understand the three gunas - the cosmic forces that govern all creation

Introduce the main characters and their roles/relationships

For example, in Jaws, we are introduced to the Brody family - Martin Brody (the new police chief), his wife Ellen, and their two young sons. We also meet other key characters like Matt Hooper (the oceanographer) and Quint (the grizzled shark hunter).

Prompt [you can change the characters, the place, and the incidents]
Write a scene introducing Martin Brody as the new police chief of Amity Island, highlighting his interactions with his wife Ellen and their two young sons.

Craft a dialogue between Martin Brody and Matt Hooper when they first meet, revealing Hooper's role as an oceanographer and his expertise on sharks.

Describe Quint's first appearance in the town hall meeting, emphasizing his gruff demeanor and hinting at his background as a shark hunter.

Establish the setting - the place, time period, environment, etc.

Jaws takes place in the summer on the fictional island town of Amity, which relies heavily on beach tourism. The peaceful island setting is established.

Paint a vivid picture of Amity Island on a typical summer day, showcasing its beaches, local businesses, and the influx of tourists.

Write a brief passage describing the economic importance of the summer tourist season to Amity Island's residents and businesses.

Present the initial situation and "normal" circumstances before the inciting incident.

Brody has just taken the job as police chief in Amity, a quiet beach town where nothing too eventful happens, or so he thinks. Life is peaceful and the town is gearing up for the busy summer tourist season.

Create a scene showing the town's preparations for the upcoming Fourth of July celebrations, emphasizing the anticipation of a busy and profitable holiday weekend.

Write a short narrative from Ellen Brody's perspective, describing her family's transition to life on Amity Island and her hopes for their future there.

Inciting Incident

  • The event that sets the story in motion and disrupts the status quo
  • Launches the main conflict that will drive the rest of the plot
  • In Jaws, the inciting incident is the first brutal shark attack on a young female swimmer, which kicks off the central conflict of dealing with the great white shark terrorizing the waters.

The exposition lays the critical foundation for the story, introducing the main players, establishing the setting/world they inhabit, and presenting the initial circumstances that will soon be disrupted.

The inciting incident at the end of Act 1 is the catalyst that propels the story into the rising action of Act 2.

Act 2: Rising Action and Complications

The sattva guna brings peace, clarity and truth. The rajas guna fuels passion, action and movement. And the tamas guna represents inertia, darkness and ignorance.

The Rising Action and Complications in Jaws

As the rising action intensifies after the inciting incident in Act 1, complications emerge as Chief Brody confronts the threat posed by the great white shark.

Fear and tension mount as more shark attacks occur, putting the safety of Amity's residents and tourists in jeopardy.

Rising Conflict and Escalating Danger

After the devastating attack on Alex Kintner, the conflict escalates as more shark victims are discovered.

The arrival of a new teen contingent, including Denise Meadows and her friends, signals the heightened danger and panic gripping the community.

Midpoint Shift: Brody vs. Vaughn

Chief Brody's confrontation with Mayor Vaughn over closing the beaches marks a pivotal shift in the rising action.

Vaughn's obstinate refusal to heed Brody's warnings about the shark threat creates a tense clash of authority and a power struggle between Brody and the mayor's office.

As Vaughn's political self-interest overrides public safety concerns, Brody's determination to protect his community intensifies. His conflict with the mayor's office reflects the growing stakes and urgency of containing the great white's menace before more lives are lost.

Escalating Danger and Dread

The discovery of more shark attack victims like Alex Kintner heightens the sense of dread and panic on the shoreline. As the death toll rises, the great white's presence casts an ominous pall over the once-peaceful island community.

Brody's determination to stop the shark's reign of terror over Amity grows more resolute as the danger to the town and its residents escalates.

Through this intensifying conflict, Brody's mission to stop the great white menace becomes paramount, his focus sharpening on neutralizing the threat before more lives are lost.

Midpoint Shift: Brody vs. Vaughn

As the rising action builds to a climax, Brody's confrontation with Vaughn over the shark attack coverup signals a shift in the conflict.

Vaughn's blatant disregard for public safety and his obstruction of Brody's efforts to stop the shark reflect the increasing urgency of the crisis.

Brody's defiance of the mayor's authority marks a pivotal turn in the battle to stop the great white's deadly rampage across the shoreline.

Through this escalating conflict and power struggle between Brody and Vaughn's office, the stakes rise dramatically.

Brody's determination to neutralize the shark's threat intensifies, fueling his defiance of Vaughn's attempts to obstruct his mission.

Here are some example prompts to explore the rising action and complications in Jaws:

Write a scene showing Chief Brody's growing frustration as he tries to convince Mayor Vaughn to close the beaches after the attack on Alex Kintner.

Describe the mounting tension among Amity's residents as news of additional shark attacks spreads through the town.

Create a dialogue between Brody and his wife Ellen where he expresses his fears about the escalating shark threat and his conflict with the mayor.

Craft a town hall scene where panicked citizens confront Brody and Vaughn about the shark attacks, highlighting the growing divide between safety concerns and economic interests.

Write Brody's internal monologue as he patrols the beach, scanning for signs of the shark while grappling with his own fear of the water.

Depict a tense confrontation between Brody and Vaughn where Brody defies the mayor's authority and decides to take action against the shark on his own.

Describe the scene of panic that erupts on the beach when a false shark sighting occurs, showing how fear has gripped the community.

Write a sequence where Brody investigates a new shark attack, uncovering evidence that confirms his worst fears about the size and aggression of the great white.

These prompts encourage exploration of the rising tension, escalating conflict, and mounting complications as the shark threat intensifies in Amity, focusing on Brody's growing determination and his clash with Mayor Vaughn.

Act 3: Climax

The highest purpose of storytelling is to elevate the consciousness of the audience.
The highest purpose of storytelling is to elevate the consciousness of the audience.

The Climactic Confrontation
Act 3 builds to the climactic confrontation between Brody, Quint, and Hooper against the great white shark. This sequence represents the culmination of the rising action and highest point of dramatic tension in the film.

Quint's Obsession Leads to His Demise
Quint's single-minded obsession with killing the shark comes to a head as he recklessly tries to harpoon it. His hubris and underestimation of the shark's power lead to disastrous consequences when the great white mounts and demolishes the Orca.

In a shockingly brutal moment, Quint is devoured alive by the shark in front of Brody and Hooper's horrified eyes. This intense climax pays off Quint's arc as an experienced but overconfident shark hunter blinded by his need for vengeance.

Brody's Heroic Last Stand
With Quint dead and the Orca destroyed, the climax shifts to Brody alone facing off against the massive shark. In a desperate final gambit, he jams an air tank into the shark's mouth and fires his rifle's very last bullet at it.

The shot of the rifle's clip ejecting on the last round heightens the dramatic tension - this is Brody's one chance to kill the shark and survive. When the air tank detonates, violently blowing the shark to pieces, it marks the climax's cathartic peak.

Confronting and Conquering the Threat
This climactic sequence represents the ultimate confrontation with the great white shark that has menaced Amity Island. Brody conquers his fear and the seemingly unstoppable threat through his heroic actions and quick thinking.

The shark's death at Brody's hands brings an immense release of dramatic tension that has been building since the first attack. The climax pays off the escalating conflict and dread in a spectacular, high-stakes confrontation.

These prompts encourage exploration of the climactic sequence's key moments, focusing on character development, tension, and the ultimate resolution of the film's central conflict.

Write a detailed scene description of Quint's final confrontation with the shark, highlighting his obsessive behavior and fatal underestimation of the creature.

Craft a tense dialogue exchange between Brody and Hooper as they watch Quint being devoured by the shark, conveying their horror and desperation.

Describe Brody's internal thoughts and emotions as he realizes he's the last one left to face the shark alone on the sinking Orca."

Create a vivid, suspenseful narration of Brody's final stand against the shark, focusing on the dramatic tension of his last-ditch plan with the air tank."

Write a scene showing Brody's triumphant moment as he successfully destroys the shark, emphasizing the cathartic release of tension.

Craft a reflective monologue for Brody as he floats in the water after killing the shark, processing his conquered fears and the ordeal he's survived."

Describe the visual and auditory details of the shark's explosive demise from Brody's perspective, capturing the spectacular climax of the confrontation."

Write a scene depicting Brody and Hooper's relieved reunion in the water after the shark's defeat, reflecting on their harrowing experience.

Act 4: Falling Action

The wisdom must be sweetly coated in sugary delight so that the profoundest truths may be imbibed through parables and metaphors.

The falling action is the part of the story's plot that comes after the climax, where the main conflict begins to resolve and loose ends are tied up.

The tension diminishes as the protagonist's primary goal has been achieved or failed, marking the conclusion of the main story arc.

Here is how the falling action plays out in the film Jaws after the climactic confrontation with the shark:

Resolution of the Shark Threat
After the incredible climax where Brody defeats the massive great white shark by detonating the air tank in its mouth, the immediate threat to Amity Island is resolved. The shark that had been terrorizing the waters is finally destroyed.

Aftermath and Loose Ends
The falling action explores the aftermath of this intense climactic battle. Brody and Hooper are shown having survived, floating exhausted in the open water after their vessel was destroyed by the shark.

This part ties up the loose end of whether the two protagonists lived or died in their mission to kill the shark. Their survival is confirmed as they await rescue.

Character Resolution
For Brody specifically, the falling action marks the culmination of his character arc overcoming his fear of the water. Having entered the shark's territory on the open ocean to defeat it, he has conquered this phobia through his heroic actions.

The once-reluctant police chief has risen to the challenge and emerged victorious over the terrifying shark, resolving his inner conflict with fear that was present throughout the rising action.

Return to Normalcy
The final moments show the calm waters surrounding Amity once again, implying that with the shark gone, peace and tranquility can return to the island community. This signals a return to normalcy after the prolonged period of terror.

Through this falling action, the story resolves the central conflict of stopping the shark's rampage. While the climax defeated the shark, these falling action moments provide closure by showing the aftermath, tying up loose ends around the main characters' fates, and restoring order to Amity Island.


Some example prompts to explore the resolution and falling action of Jaws.

Write a scene depicting Brody and Hooper's exhausted relief as they float in the water after defeating the shark, reflecting on their harrowing experience.

Describe Brody's internal monologue as he realizes he has overcome his fear of water through his heroic actions against the shark.

Craft a dialogue between Brody and Ellen when they reunite after the shark's defeat, with Brody explaining how he conquered his phobia.

Write a short passage showing the peaceful atmosphere returning to Amity Island's beaches in the days following the shark's destruction.

Create a scene of the town holding a celebration to honor Brody for saving Amity, with Mayor Vaughn reluctantly acknowledging his heroism.

Describe a moment where Brody reflects on how the ordeal has changed him as he looks out at the calm ocean from his porch.

Write a brief epilogue showing how life on Amity Island returns to normal, with tourists once again enjoying the beaches without fear.

Craft a scene where Brody visits Quint's empty workshop, contemplating the sacrifice made to defeat the shark.

Act 5: Dénouement

May your tales become like timeless sutras, carrying the light of truth across the veil of delusion.

Surviving the Ordeal
After the explosive climax where Brody defeats the massive great white shark, the dénouement shows Brody and Hooper having survived the incredible ordeal. They are seen floating exhausted in the open water, awaiting rescue after their vessel was destroyed during the fight with the shark.

This resolves the remaining plot thread of whether the two protagonists lived or died in accomplishing their mission to kill the shark that had been terrorizing Amity Island. Their survival is confirmed.

Brody's Redemption
For Brody specifically, the dénouement marks the culmination of his character arc overcoming his fear of the water. Having ventured out to the shark's territory on the open ocean to defeat it, he has conquered this phobia through his courageous actions.

The once-reluctant police chief has risen to the challenge and emerged victorious over the terrifying shark, redeeming himself after initially failing to convince the mayor to close the beaches despite the mortal threat.

Restoring Order
The final moments depict the calm, serene waters surrounding Amity once again, implying that with the shark gone, peace and tranquility can return to the island community after the prolonged period of terror.

This signals a restoration of the natural order and resolves the central conflict of stopping the shark's deadly rampage that had gripped Amity in fear all summer. The dénouement provides a sense of closure.

Through these final resolution moments, the story ties up the remaining loose ends around the fates of Brody and Hooper, allows Brody a redemptive character arc, and re-establishes a state of order and normalcy in Amity with the shark threat eliminated.

The dénouement brings narrative closure after the climactic confrontation.


Some example prompts to explore the dénouement and resolution of Jaws:

Write a scene depicting Brody and Hooper's exhausted relief as they float in the water after defeating the shark, reflecting on their harrowing experience.

Describe Brody's internal monologue as he realizes he has overcome his fear of water through his heroic actions against the shark.

Craft a dialogue between Brody and Ellen when they reunite after the shark's defeat, with Brody explaining how he conquered his phobia.

Write a short passage showing the peaceful atmosphere returning to Amity Island's beaches in the days following the shark's destruction.

Create a scene of the town holding a celebration to honor Brody for saving Amity, with Mayor Vaughn reluctantly acknowledging his heroism.

Describe a moment where Brody reflects on how the ordeal has changed him as he looks out at the calm ocean from his porch.

Write a brief epilogue showing how life on Amity Island returns to normal, with tourists once again enjoying the beaches without fear.

Craft a scene where Brody visits Quint's empty workshop, contemplating the sacrifice made to defeat the shark.

These prompts encourage exploration of the aftermath of the climactic shark battle, focusing on character resolution, return to normalcy, and the impact of events on Amity Island and its inhabitants.

Using Freytag's Pyramid in Marketing: Opportunities

Freytag's Pyramid, can be a powerful tool for crafting compelling narratives in various marketing contexts.

You'd need to write an initial brief before you use the prompts below.

Here’s how you can use the framework:

Brand Storytelling: On Company websites, About Us pages, brand videos.

Prompt for Brand Stories [insert brand brief]

  • Exposition: Introduce your brand’s history and mission.
  • Rising Action: Highlight challenges faced.
  • Climax: Showcase a pivotal success.
  • Falling Action: Describe positive changes post-success.
  • Dénouement: Outline future aspirations.

Product Launch Campaigns: Product pages, launch events, social media.

Prompt for Product Launch Campaigns [insert product brief]

  • Exposition: Introduce the problem your product solves.
  • Rising Action: Build anticipation with development insights.
  • Climax: Unveil the product.
  • Falling Action: Share early user feedback.
  • Dénouement: Encourage purchase or trial.

Customer Testimonials and Case Studies: Website testimonials, Case Studies [insert brief]

Prompt for Customer Testimonials & Case Studies

  • Exposition: Introduce the customer and their initial situation.
  • Rising Action: Detail their journey and challenges.
  • Climax: Show how your product provided a solution.
  • Falling Action: Illustrate positive outcomes.
  • Dénouement: Conclude with customer satisfaction and call to action.

Marketing Campaigns: Email campaigns, social media, advertising

Prompt for Marketing Campaigns [insert brief]

  • Exposition: Set the campaign’s theme.
  • Rising Action: Share engaging content and build momentum.
  • Climax: Create a peak moment with a major announcement.
  • Falling Action: Follow up with success stories.
  • Dénouement: Summarize impact and encourage further action.

Internal Communications and Team Motivation: Internal newsletters, team meetings, company intranet.

Prompt for Internal Communications [Insert brief]

  • Exposition: Outline current status and goals.
  • Rising Action: Discuss challenges faced.
  • Climax: Present a pivotal project or strategy.
  • Falling Action: Detail steps to implement the strategy.
  • Dénouement: Conclude with a motivational message and next steps.

AI Recipe For Three-Act Structure

We shall use the RATS Framework for applying the Three-Act Structure to real-world business storytelling.

Please note that you need a Product Brief, at the very least, to execute this prompt.

How to use this AI Recipe

As a novelist, screenwriter, or content creator, embracing this five-act structure can lift your storytelling to new heights. This ensures that your stories are not merely told but experienced.

  1. Take an existing blog and convert it to a story [just insert the blog summary into the Brief section]
  2. Convert an ordinary social media post into a story [insert the social post into the Brief section]
  3. Write a video story from scratch [use the Product Brief]
  4. Create a story about donation to a charity, buying a product/ service, making a pitch... your imagination is the limit in this [Use the Product Brief for this]

Begin prompt

Sample Product Brief [feed in yours here and modify avatar, topic and task in the prompt below to your taste]

Phewture is a weekly subscription-based community newsletter that provides AI Recipes for entrepreneurs, business leaders, marketers, and content creators. Its main features and benefits include:

  1. AI-powered recipes for improved productivity, creativity, and professional growth
  2. Focus on thinking techniques, creative frameworks, learning methods, and content creation
  3. Tailored benefits for different audience segments:
    • Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders: Enhanced decision-making, personal branding, and critical thinking
    • Marketers: Improved content marketing strategies, audience engagement, and SEO
    • Content Creators: Consistent idea generation, efficient content production, and monetization strategies
  4. Weekly delivery of the latest AI Recipes directly to subscribers' inboxes
  5. Aims to help users save time and money while advancing their careers or businesses
  6. Promises to boost creativity, decision-making skills, learning capabilities, and overall professional success

Phewture positions itself as a tool to help its audience achieve their goals, innovate, grow their businesses, attract customers, and monetize their skills using AI-powered strategies and techniques.

[Role] = Act as an expert in Freytag's Pyramid narrative structure. Your key traits include deep knowledge of the five acts (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement), ability to map stories to this dramatic arc, skills in building tension and conflict, creativity in developing compelling characters and high-stakes scenarios, logical approach to plot progression, clear communication of story beats, and adaptability to different storytelling goals.

[Avatar] = The audience is marketers, consultants, entrpreneurs business leaders who want to use Freytag's Pyramid to craft engaging narratives that captivate their audiences and drive impact.

[Topic] = Apply Freytag's Pyramid to structure powerful stories in [industry/vertical].

[Task] = Help me develop a compelling narrative using Freytag's Pyramid for this scenario: [Describe the context and the format - text/ video, etc].

Key elements to incorporate are: [List any crucial story points, themes, or requirements, or leave this blank].

[Structure] =

  1. Exposition: Introduce the main characters, setting, and initial situation. Include an inciting incident that disrupts normalcy and kicks off the central conflict.
  2. Rising Action: Present obstacles and complications that raise the stakes. Build tension through a midpoint shift that propels the story in a new, more intense direction.
  3. Climax: The peak of the story where the main character confronts the ultimate challenge or conflict. This is the highest dramatic tension.
  4. Falling Action: The consequences and aftermath of the climactic events. Conflicts begin resolving as loose ends get tied up.
  5. Denouement: The final resolution that concludes remaining plot lines and provides a sense of closure for the characters and audience.

[Style & Tone] =
Craft an immersive narrative that emotionally engages the audience. Use descriptive language to vividly depict the characters, settings, and high-stakes situations. Build dramatic tension through foreshadowing and escalating conflicts. Aim for a cohesive, well-paced story that delivers a satisfying narrative arc and resolution.

End prompt

Now let's check the answer to this prompt. I'm using Perplexity running Claude 3 Opus.

Like it, don't? Let me have your answers in the comments, below.


Freytag's Pyramid is a timeless tool that empowers storytellers to craft narratives that resonate deeply with audiences.

By mastering the art of tension and release, writers can create stories that captivate, inspire, and leave a lasting impression.

Unlock the power of Freytag's Pyramid, and embark on a journey of narrative mastery that will leave your audiences spellbound.

AI Tools that you can use

The prompts on Phewture are AI tool agnostic.

They should work on GeminiPro, ChatGPT, Claude and Perplexity. Even on free tools such as llama3 by Meta which you can install on your desktop.

  • ChatGPT and Gemini Pro can read Google Files by way of attachment
  • Claude can read PDFs.
  • Perplexity can read text files and PDFs.

Use these capabilities to upload your prompts and get the best out of these tools.

You will have to use the following prompt, if you follow the file upload method: Please complete the tasks outlined in the attached document.

Next Steps

  1. To help you find your way around Phewture, I have put together a set of AI Recipes under Wayfinding. Do go through these and you'll navigate like a pro through this stream of consciousness. 😄
  2. The Learning Methods are exercises that I'd recommend if you wish to wrap your head around the possibilities of using AI Recipes at work, or for play.
  3. Don't forget to leave your comments below and share your joy with your friends on social media. Use the share icons below this post to gain some good karma.

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