From Business Muggle to Wizard: Opportunity Cost Prompts to Transform Your Decision-Making

It's like picking the salad over the burger - sure, you're healthier, but at what cost to your taste buds? Choose wisely, or your wallet might shed a tear!

Every decision carries a price, not only in what you gain but also in what you sacrifice.
Every decision carries a price, not only in what you gain but also in what you sacrifice.

How this works


Imagine you're at a buffet, but every time you put something on your plate, one other dish disappears.

That's opportunity cost in a nutshell - the price of your choices isn't just what you pick, but what you don't.

In business terms, it's the potential benefit you give up when choosing one option over another.

For example, when you decide to binge-watch that new series instead of working on your business plan, the opportunity cost isn't just the time spent, but the potential growth and success you've put on pause.

Ouch, right?

How and Why This is Important to Business

Sometimes. it's a choice between what is in hand and what is yet to be gained.
  1. The "What If" Machine
    Remember when Blockbuster passed on buying Netflix for $50 million?

    Now that's an opportunity cost that probably keeps former Blockbuster execs up at night. By considering the opportunity cost of your decisions, you're essentially building a "What If" machine for your business. It's like having a crystal ball, minus the creepy fortune teller.

  2. The Resource Allocation Tango
    Every dollar you spend on one thing is a dollar you can't spend elsewhere.

    It's like playing Tetris with your budget - every piece you place affects where the next ones can go.

    Understanding opportunity cost helps you dance this resource allocation tango with grace, ensuring you're always making the most of what you've got.

  3. The Long Game Strategy
    Opportunity cost isn't just about immediate trade-offs.

    It's about playing the long game. When Amazon decided to reinvest profits into growth instead of showing early profitability, they were banking on the opportunity cost of short-term gains for long-term market domination.

    Spoiler alert: It worked out pretty well for them.

  4. The "Hidden Costs" Detector
    Opportunity cost is like a metal detector for hidden costs in your business decisions.

    It helps you uncover the not-so-obvious expenses of your choices, like the productivity lost when you decide to handle your own accounting instead of hiring a pro. Sometimes, the cheapest option isn't so cheap after all.

  5. The FOMO Antidote
    In a world of endless business opportunities, FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) can be paralyzing.

    Understanding opportunity cost gives you a framework to evaluate options objectively. It's like having a business therapist that tells you, "It's okay, you can't do everything, and here's why that's actually good."

How to use the prompts here

  1. Copy the prompts directly into your chatbot: Perplexity, ChatGPT, Gemini Pro, etc.
  2. Reflect on how you can use prompts to find answers to urgent, pressing questions using Chatbots and get into the habit of research.

Prompts For Marketing

You evaluate opportunity cost to allocate resources effectively.

Choosing one marketing strategy over another impacts customer engagement and sales. Each decision carries financial implications, influencing your campaign's overall success.

The opportunity cost is in the resources spent on one campaign at the expense of another. 
  1. The Social Media Showdown: You can only choose one social platform for your next campaign. As you bid farewell to the others, what opportunities are you sacrificing? (RIP, potential TikTok dance craze.)

  2. The Budget Tug-of-War: Your CFO just handed you an extra $10,000. Do you pump it into influencer marketing or beef up your SEO? What delicious marketing fruits are you leaving on the vine?

  3. The Time-Turner Dilemma: You've got 40 hours this week. Spend it all on creating a viral video or optimizing your email campaigns? What marketing magic are you missing out on?

  4. The Tagline Tango: You've got two killer taglines, but can only use one. As you let the runner-up collect dust, what brand personality are you leaving unexplored?

  5. The Channel Changers: TV ads or podcast sponsorships? As you pick one, imagine the alternate universe where your brand became the next "Got Milk?" on the other platform.

  6. The Mascot Masquerade: You're choosing between a cuddly animal mascot or a sleek, minimalist logo. What brand associations are you waving goodbye to?

  7. The Collaboration Conundrum: Partner with a trendy fashion brand or a tech giant? As you sign on the dotted line, what audience are you potentially alienating?

  8. The Content Crossroads: Invest in a flashy AR experience or a series of in-depth whitepapers? What engagement opportunities are slipping through your fingers?

  9. The Pricing Pickle: Lower your prices for market penetration or maintain premium pricing? As you set your strategy, what customer segments are you potentially losing?

  10. The Event Horizon: Sponsor a major industry conference or host your own intimate customer event? What networking nirvanas and lead-gen landscapes are you leaving unexplored?

Remember, marketers, in the game of opportunity cost, every choice is a tiny heartbreak.

Prompts For Business Leaders

You recognize opportunity cost as vital for strategic planning.

Decisions like investing in new technologies or entering new markets affect competitive advantage and long-term growth potential.

A leader must weigh the value of immediate gains against the potential loss of future opportunities
  1. The Golden Goose Dilemma: You've stumbled upon a magical business idea. But pursuing it means shelving your current cash cow. Are you trading your reliable egg-layer for a chance at the whole farm?

  2. The Time Traveler's Investment: You can send resources back in time to your younger business self. What future opportunities are you sacrificing for this temporal boost?
  3. The Talent Tug-of-War: That genius programmer wants a fortune to join your team. Before breaking the piggy bank, ponder the projects you'll have to mothball. Are you gaining a wizard but losing your magic wand?

  4. The Expansion Expedition: New territories beckon, but exploring them means neglecting your home base. Are you Columbus discovering America or Napoleon invading Russia?

  5. The Innovation Inversion: Pouring resources into R&D could birth the next big thing. But what everyday improvements are you sidelining? Are you reaching for the stars while your foundation crumbles?

  6. The Marketing Mirage: That Super Bowl ad looks tempting. But before you make it rain, think about the grassroots campaigns withering in the desert. Are you creating a splash or missing a chance to grow deep roots?

  7. The Automation Gambit: Robots promise efficiency, but at what cost to your human touch? Are you upgrading your operations or unplugging your company's heart?

  8. The Acquisition Avalanche: Buying that hot startup seems like a shortcut to innovation. But what in-house talents are you burying? Are you importing growth or exporting your company's soul?

  9. The Sustainability Seesaw: Going green could win hearts and headlines. But at what cost to your short-term green (the money kind)? Are you planting seeds for the future or uprooting your present success?

  10. The Partnership Paradox: That [name] industry giant wants to dance. Sounds dreamy, but what nimble moves will you have to sacrifice? Are you gaining a powerful ally or losing your ability to cha-cha-cha on your own?

Prompts For Creatives

You evaluate opportunity cost to shape project choices. E

ach creative decision offers unique potentials, and understanding sacrifices influences artistic direction, productivity, and financial outcomes.

Creativity demands sacrifices, and one must be mindful of what is being left behind in the pursuit of excellence in a particular area
  1. The Muse's Dilemma: You've got two brilliant ideas for your next project, but only enough time to pursue one. As you bid farewell to your runner-up brainchild, what potential masterpiece are you sacrificing?

  2. The Collaboration Conundrum: A famous artist wants to collaborate, but it means postponing your solo exhibition. What creative heights might you miss by flying solo?

  3. The Medium Swap: You usually work in oils, but a lucrative commission requires watercolors. What artistic evolution are you forgoing by sticking to your comfort zone?

  4. The Deadline Dash: You can either perfect your current piece or start a new, potentially groundbreaking project. Which creative path will lead to sleepless nights of "what if"?

  5. The Genre Jump: You're offered a chance to try a completely different style. What hidden talents might remain undiscovered if you stay in your niche?

  6. The Tech Tango: Embrace cutting-edge digital tools or stick to traditional methods? What artistic revolutions might you miss by clinging to the familiar?

  7. The Muse Marathon: Spend a month in an artist retreat or take on a high-profile commercial gig? What strokes of genius might never grace a canvas in pursuit of financial stability?

  8. The Inspiration Expedition: Travel the world for new ideas or dive deep into local culture? What global perspectives or hometown insights might you sacrifice?

  9. The Skill Swap: Learn a complementary craft or master your current one? What creative fusions might never spark if you don't branch out?

  10. The Time Warp: Work on a quick-turnaround project or a long-term magnum opus? What fleeting moments of brilliance or enduring legacies hang in the balance?

Prompts for Content Creators

You acknowledge opportunity cost to guide content decisions.

Opting for one platform or focusing on specific topics can limit audience reach and engagement, impacting your brand presence.

True value lies in content that stands the test of time and remains meaningful.
  1. The Viral Video Vortex: You've got a killer idea, but it'll eat up your entire month. What less flashy but steady content are you sacrificing on the altar of potential virality?

  2. The Platform Polka: TikTok's calling, but mastering it means neglecting your blog. Are you trading your SEO kingdom for a chance to dance with the algorithm gods?

  3. The Collaboration Conundrum: That big-name influencer wants to team up, but it'll delay your passion project. Are you swapping your creative baby for a shot at the collab hall of fame?

  4. The Niche Narrowing: Specializing could make you a big fish, but in a smaller pond. What vast oceans of content are you leaving unexplored?

  5. The Evergreen vs. Trendy Tango: Creating timeless content means missing the hot topic train. Are you building a content forest or chasing fireflies?

  6. The Quality-Quantity Quandary: Crafting one masterpiece a month or churning out daily snackable content? Are you sculpting a statue or building with Legos?

  7. The Tech Tool Tightrope: Learning that fancy new editing software could elevate your game, but at what cost to your current output? Are you sharpening your axe or chopping down trees?

  8. "The Monetization Maze": Chasing sponsorships might fatten your wallet, but what authentic connections are you leaving on the table? Are you trading your audience's trust for a treasure chest?

  9. The Cross-Platform Crossroads: Repurposing content saves time, but what platform-specific gems are you missing out on? Are you cooking one meal for all or crafting unique dishes?

  10. The Personal Brand Paradox: Sharing more of yourself could boost engagement, but what privacy are you sacrificing? Are you becoming a content character or preserving your true self?

Prompts for Entrepreneurs

You understand opportunity cost to prioritize time and resources.

Choices from product development to market expansion carry potential missed opportunities, affecting your business growth trajectory.

Learn that the accumulation of wealth without regard for these costs may lead to a hollow success.
  1. The Pivot Predicament: Your current product is a slow burner, but pivoting means torching your existing customer base. Are you sticking with your tortoise or betting on a potential hare?

  2. The Funding Fandango: That VC's offering millions, but wants a chunk of your soul. Is selling a piece of your dream worth the cash injection, or are you trading your captain's hat for golden handcuffs?

  3. The Talent Tug-of-War: Hiring that rockstar developer means postponing your marketing blitz. Are you building a Ferrari engine while your sales vehicle sits in the garage?

  4. The Office Oasis Mirage: Fancy digs might impress clients, but what about that game-changing software upgrade? Are you investing in curb appeal or engine power?

  5. The Conference Conundrum: That big industry event promises networking gold, but you'd miss a week of crucial development time. Are you fishing for contacts or neglecting your current catch?

  6. The Automation Avalanche: Robots promise efficiency, but at what cost to your company culture? Are you upgrading your operations or unplugging your startup's heart?

  7. The Niche Narrowing: Specializing could make you a big fish, but in a smaller pond. What vast oceans of opportunity are you leaving unexplored?

  8. The Partnership Paradox: Teaming up with that industry giant sounds dreamy, but what nimble moves will you sacrifice? Are you gaining a powerful ally or losing your ability to pivot on a dime?

  9. The DIY Dilemma: Doing everything in-house saves cash, but at what cost to your sanity and speed? Are you being frugal or just cheap?

  10. The Scale-up Seesaw: Rapid expansion sounds thrilling, but what about perfecting your current offering? Are you building an empire on shaky foundations or missing the boat to bigness?

Prompts for Product Managers

You recognize opportunity cost to influence product decisions.

Prioritizing features affects development costs and market positioning, and understanding trade-offs enhances your product's market success.ShareRewrite

It is often necessary to let go of the old to make way for the new.
  1. The Feature Feast Famine: Adding that shiny new feature means delaying three smaller updates. Are you serving a gourmet meal or starving the masses of their daily bread?

  2. The Tech Stack Tango: Switching to the latest framework promises long-term gains, but at what cost to your current sprint goals? Are you learning a new dance or tripping over your own feet?

  3. The User Segment Seesaw: Catering to power users could alienate newbies. Are you building a VIP lounge or locking the front door?

  4. The Integration Illusion: That third-party tool looks tempting, but what in-house innovations are you shelving? Are you borrowing superpowers or neglecting your own?

  5. The Redesign Rollercoaster: Overhauling the UI could wow new users, but what learning curve are you imposing on your loyal base? Are you remodeling the house or evicting the tenants?

  6. The Scalability Samba: Optimizing for millions of users sounds great, but what immediate improvements for your current thousand are you sidelining? Are you building a stadium or neglecting your home field?

  7. The Customization Conundrum: Saying yes to every client request means saying no to your product vision. Are you painting custom masterpieces or losing your signature style?

  8. The Bug Hunt Hustle: Squashing every minor glitch means postponing that game-changing feature. Are you sweeping the floor or remodeling the kitchen?

  9. The Platform Pivot Puzzle: Expanding to mobile could open new markets, but what desktop innovations are you leaving behind? Are you colonizing new lands or abandoning your kingdom?

  10. The Analytics Avalanche: Implementing advanced tracking promises insights, but at what cost to user privacy and simplicity? Are you gaining X-ray vision or blinding yourself with data?


Opportunity cost isn't just some dusty economic theory - it's your secret weapon for making smarter, more strategic business decisions.

By considering not just what you're gaining, but what you're giving up, you'll be able to navigate the complex world of business choices like a pro.

So the next time you're faced with a tough decision, channel your inner economist and ask, "But what's the opportunity cost?"

Your future business-wizard self will thank you.

AI Tools that you can use

The prompts on Phewture are AI tool agnostic.

They should work on GeminiPro, ChatGPT, Claude and Perplexity. Even on free tools such as llama3 by Meta which you can install on your desktop.

  • ChatGPT and Gemini Pro can read Google Files by way of attachment
  • Claude can read PDFs.
  • Perplexity can read text files and PDFs.

Use these capabilities to upload your prompts and get the best out of these tools.

Next Steps

  1. To help you find your way around Phewture, I have put together a set of AI Recipes under Wayfinding. Do go through these and you'll navigate like a pro through this stream of consciousness. 😄
  2. The Learning Methods are exercises that I'd recommend if you wish to wrap your head around the possibilities of using AI Recipes at work, or for play.
  3. Don't forget to leave your comments below and share your joy with your friends on social media. Use the share icons below this post to gain some good karma.

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