A Powerful Cold Email Sequence That You Can Use For Any Product or Service

Welcome to our guide on crafting a 6-part cold email series. We'll walk you through a strategic approach using proven best practices to maximize your outreach success.

A Powerful Cold Email Sequence That You Can Use For Any Product or Service
True wealth comes not from hoarding, but from exchange. my sons.

How this works


In this post, I'll walk you through a strategic approach to cold emailing that leverages proven best practices to maximize your outreach success.

To ground this exercise in a realistic scenario, I've created a fictional Product Brief below.

This brief serves as the foundation for our email series and demonstrates how to tailor your messaging to your specific product or service.

You can easily adapt this template to fit your own brand's unique value proposition.

Following the Product Brief, you'll find six carefully crafted email templates.

Each template is designed to flow seamlessly from the key elements outlined in the brief, ensuring a cohesive and compelling narrative throughout your email sequence.

By the end of this post, you'll have a clear framework for creating your own high-converting cold email series.

Let's dive in and transform your cold outreach strategy!

How to use this template

How can I be sure your wisdom will work for me?

You can use any of ChatGPT, Perplexity, or Gemini Pro for this exercise.

Step 1: Upload/ Feed your Product Brief into the chatbot

Step 2: Feed Email 1 template and ask ChatGPT to tailor it to the product brief given

Step 3: Feed Email 2 ... and so on

The Product Brief

Promote a social media app called SocialOnSteroids [SoS] using cold outreach.

Craft a 6-part email series for this. The structure of each email is given separately.

Product: SocialOnSteroids
This app helps clients and digital agencies save 50% of their time through it's end-to-end AI driven social media marketing workflow.

The app is targetted at high volume, multi-brand social media clients and agencies.

The app is attractively priced at $299 pm for 30 social accounts and compares well with competitors who charge $399 for a lot less in terms of features.

Ideally, agencies and clients who are actively looking to increase productivity, lower costs.

Product Benefits
1. Time Savings

  • Saves clients and digital agencies 50% of their time through its end-to-end AI-driven social media marketing workflow
  • Provides an end-to-end hands-off system that saves users time and doubles their productivity
  • AI can help social media marketers save time by automating boring tasks and freeing up time for creative and strategic thinking

2. Productivity

  • Doubles user productivity through its automated, hands-off system
  • AI can help scale up social media strategies across platforms
  • Access to a generative AI conversational assistant increases customer support agent productivity by an average of 14%

3. Content Creation

  • Creates and curates content based on keywords
  • AI-powered content creation tools can generate high-quality content in a fraction of the time it would take a human
  • Among marketers already using generative AI, 76% use it for basic content creation and writing copy

4. Scheduling & Posting

  • Schedules content based on the best timings
  • Posts content on up to 10 social networks
  • Adheres to the best practices of each social network

5. Image Creation

  • Crafts the images needed for each social network

6. Reporting & Analytics

  • Reports on actions and analytics to track performance
  • AI can provide valuable insights for businesses by analyzing user behavior and engagement on social media

7. Cost Savings

  • Attractively priced at $299/month for 30 social accounts, comparing well to competitors charging $399 for fewer features
  • 54% of organizations are seeing cost savings and efficiencies from using AI

8. Customer Experience

  • 48% of organizations using AI are seeing a better customer experience
  • 64% of consumers are open to purchasing a new product recommended by generative AI

Email 1 - Structure

Look to those who have walked the path before you, my son. They shall show you the way.

Subject: [Name], skyrocket your [key metric] in just [timeframe]

Preview Text: Uncover the secret weapon used by industry leaders to dominate their markets

Hi [Name],

I couldn't help but notice your recent [post/comment] about the challenges of [pain point]. It's clear you're committed to finding innovative solutions to [key goal].

With [current event/trend], there's never been a better time to gain an unfair advantage over your competitors. What if I told you there was a proven shortcut to [desired outcome]?

Imagine being in the shoes of our client, [Relatable Name]. As the [Title] at [Company], she was under immense pressure to [key challenge]. Her team was burned out, her budget was tight, and she was losing sleep worrying about [consequence].

That's when she discovered [Product Name] - the [key benefit] system that's taking the [industry] world by storm. By leveraging our proprietary technology and battle-tested strategies, [Relatable Name] was able to:

  • [Dimensionalized Benefit 1]
  • [Dimensionalized Benefit 2]
  • [Drimensionaliuzed Benefit 3]

"[Product Name] didn't just deliver results - it transformed the way we do business. I only wish we had found this sooner!" - [Relatable Name]

[Name], I'd be lying if I said this was for everyone. [Product Name] is ONLY for the most driven, ambitious [Title]s who are truly committed to [key goal].

If that sounds like you, let's explore how [Product Name] can help you crush your [key metric] goals, outpace your competition, and cement your status as an industry icon.

To your success,

[Your Name]

P.S. I've reserved a VIP Strategy Session for you to dive into your unique challenges and see [Product Name] in action. Book your slot now before your competitors beat you to it: [CTA]

Email 2 - Structure

Subject: [Name], are you leaving [valuable resource] on the table?

Preview Text: Discover the costly mistake that's crippling your [key metric] growth

Hi [Name],

In my last email, I shared how our client [Client Name], a [Job Title], was grappling with a [specific challenge] crisis. [Her/His] team was [negative outcome 1], [negative outcome 2], and [negative outcome 3].

Sound familiar?

After digging into their [specific process], we uncovered the root of the problem: [identified issue]. [Client Name]'s [team members] were [negative consequence] instead of doing what they do best - [core function].

Here's the kicker: by implementing our [product/service description], [Product Name], [Client Name]'s team boosted their [key metric] by a whopping [percentage]% in just [timeframe].

That translates to an extra [monetary value] in [benefit] per [unit] annually, without [additional resource]. Let that sink in for a moment.

[Name], I'd bet my bottom dollar that your [department/team] is facing similar challenges right now. Every day you wait, you're leaving a fortune in potential [benefit] on the table.

If we could drive such massive gains for [Client Name]'s team, just imagine the impact [Product Name] could have on your [key metric] trajectory over the next few years.

As a [your expertise] who's worked with [range of clients], I've seen this story play out time and again. The organizations that embrace [solution type] are the ones that thrive, while the laggards get left in the dust.

Which side do you want to be on?

Let's hop on a quick call to explore how [Product Name] can help you unlock your team's true potential and catapult your [key metric] to new heights.

To your success,

[Your Name]
[Title], [Company]

P.S. I've got a personalized [benefit] forecast waiting for you. Reply to this email with "[Call to action phrase]" and I'll send it right over.

Email 3 - Structure

Knowledge unused is like a seed unplanted.

Subject: [Name], [key metric] boost in [short timeframe]?

Hi [Name],

Imagine [Key Benefit 1] and [Key Benefit 2] without disrupting your current operations. Our [Product] was fully implemented for [Client Name]'s [industry] within [short timeframe], seamlessly integrating with their existing workflow.

[Name], I suspect your [department/team] may be facing similar challenges to [Client Name]'s. You could be sitting on a goldmine of untapped [resource/opportunity].

If we achieved [percentage]+ [key metric] gains for [Client Name]'s team, picture what [Product] could do for your [key goal] over the next [timeframe]. The potential for transformation is immense.

As a [your role] who's worked with [range of clients], I've witnessed this success story unfold countless times. Organizations embracing [solution type] consistently outperform those clinging to outdated methods.

Looking forward to discussing how we can help you hit and exceed your [key metric] goals this [time period].

[Your Name]
[Your Title], [Your Company]

P.S. [Personalized offer or call-to-action]

Email 4 -Structure

Subject: [Name], [key metric] boost in [short timeframe]?

Hi [Name],

Imagine [Key Benefit 1] and [Key Benefit 2] without disrupting your current operations.

Our [Product] was fully implemented for [Client Name]'s [industry] within [short timeframe], seamlessly integrating with their existing workflow.

[Name], I suspect your [department/team] may be facing similar challenges to [Client Name]'s. You could be sitting on a goldmine of untapped [resource/opportunity].

If we achieved [percentage]+ [key metric] gains for [Client Name]'s team, picture what [Product] could do for your [key goal] over the next [timeframe]. The potential for transformation is immense.

As a [your role] who's worked with [range of clients], I've witnessed this success story unfold countless times. Organizations embracing [solution type] consistently outperform those clinging to outdated methods.

Looking forward to discussing how we can help you hit and exceed your [key metric] goals this [time period].

[Your Name]
[Your Title], [Your Company]

P.S. [Personalized offer or call-to-action]

Email 5 - Structure

When you align your actions with a noble purpose, wealth becomes a natural byproduct, not the sole aim.

Subject: [Name], [key benefit] by [percentage] in [timeframe]?

Hi [Name],

We only [limited action] [small number] new [client type] per [time period], and our next slot is filling up fast. If [key goal] is a priority for you, let's connect this week.

[Product/Service Name] has helped companies like yours achieve:

• [Benefit 1]
• [Benefit 2]
• [Benefit 3]

Do you have [short timeframe] for a quick call on [Day 1] or [Day 2]? Just reply YES, and I'll send over a calendar invite.

While I can't provide exact figures without understanding your specific needs, our clients typically see a [X-Y] times return on their investment with us.

Looking forward to discussing how we can help you [achieve key goal] this [time period].

[Your Name]
[Your Title], [Your Company]

P.S. [Scarcity reminder or additional incentive]

Email 6 - Structure

Subject: [Name], last chance to [achieve key benefit]

Hi [Name],

Over the past few weeks, I've shared how our [Product/Service Name] has helped companies like [Client Name]'s:

• [Key Benefit 1] by [percentage/metric]
• [Key Benefit 2] in just [timeframe]
• [Key Benefit 3] without [common obstacle]

If you're still grappling with [pain point], now is the time to act. Our [limited offer] is closing soon, and I'd hate for you to miss out on the opportunity to [achieve key goal].

Remember, [Product/Service Name] has consistently delivered:

  1. [Unique Selling Point 1]
  2. [Unique Selling Point 2]
  3. [Unique Selling Point 3]

[Name], this is your last chance to join industry leaders who are already reaping the benefits. Don't let your competitors get ahead.

Ready to transform your [department/process]? Reply "YES" to schedule your personalized demo this week.

To your success,

[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Company]

P.S. Our [special offer/bonus] expires [specific date/time]. Act now to secure your advantage in [industry/field].

Next Steps

  1. To help you find your way around Phewture, I have put together a set of AI Recipes under Wayfinding. Do go through these and you'll navigate like a pro through this stream of consciousness. 😄
  2. The Learning Methods are exercises that I'd recommend if you wish to wrap your head around the possibilities of using AI Recipes at work, or for play.
  3. Don't forget to leave your comments below and share your joy with your friends on social media. Use the share icons below this post to gain some good karma.

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Phewture offers AI-spurred training for teams. Do check out the Training Services.

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